Friday, 29 January 2016



Check out the updates that we have made on our website.  We have had a lot of fun setting it up and value feedback from anyone who visits the little monsters.

You will find links to FREE gaming sites for children of all ages to have fun and a Wordsearch to complete online or print for anyone else to have fun with too.  We will be updating the Wordsearch each week to keep children entertained.

Also, through the year we will be running competitions to win t-shirts, cups, hats and various other items pertaining to the Three Little Monsters, so keep checking in to see whats coming up...

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Gruesome Gets A Toothache IS HERE!!!

Our new adventure is available to buy NOW!!! from either of the following locations.  With the help of our amazing illustrator Jasmine Mills, the monsters have been brought to life.

I am sure all children will enjoy this story as much as the last one 'Three Little Monsters & The Ghost of Wisdom Woods' which is still available to buy too and hopefully get the message that even Monsters have to go to the Dentist sometimes.



Gruesome Gets A Toothache IS HERE!!!

Our new adventure is available to buy NOW!!! from either of the following locations.  With the help of our amazing illustrator Jasmine Mills, the monsters have been brought to life.

I am sure all children will enjoy this story as much as the last one 'Three Little Monsters & The Ghost of Wisdom Woods' which is still available to buy too and hopefully get the message that even Monsters have to go to the Dentist sometimes.



Sunday, 3 January 2016

2016 - The 3 Little Monsters Year

2015 was a very turbulent year for us monsters, but 2016, this is our year to show why your children, grandchildren will love sharing our adventures.

Our second book 'Gruesome Gets A Toothache' comes out towards the end of January and we are sure you will enjoy the story and the message within it, which will show children that even us monsters have to go to the dentist, I Gruesome, personally am very scared of them, but it is important so make sure you look after your teeth.

We will also be running a few competitions this year for signed copies of our book, t-shirts and other items, where you can decide which picture of us you want on them.

Watch this space...

Take a look at our website for updates on our books and competition information...